Background of the study
Recent sociopolitical and economic developments in the world and within nations have resulted in revised educational objectives and increased difficulty for social studies (Udo, & Udofia, 2022). Schools are required to educate students not just with a foundational understanding of social studies curriculum, but also with higher-order cognitive capabilities, such as problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities, that facilitate self-development and lifelong learning (Wambugu, & Changeiywo, 2022). To handle these issues, there is a shift away from the behaviourist style of direct instruction, such as the lecture method, note copying, and dictations, in which the learner is provided with information to memorise and regurgitate (Wang, Schwab, Fenn, & Chang, 2021).
As a field, Social Studies continues to experience alterations in its teaching aims. In the 20th century, History, Economics, Government, and Geography were taught as independent disciplines with memorised information lists (Udo, & Udofia, 2022). Due to alterations in educational results, the learning of pupils has to be reviewed and taught as an integrated subject. The emphasis has shifted from learning as the acquisition of facts to learning as the application of facts; from learning as memorization (of Geography and History texts) to learning as the inductive discovery of important relationships and principles; from learning for the sake of learning to learning as a way of inquiring and thinking according to the processes of the Social Sciences. This can only be accomplished through the mastery learning process (Onibokun, 1999).
Globally, social studies as a topic is of relatively recent origin. The committee on social studies of the commission on the reconstruction of secondary education of the National Education Association created the idea of social studies in 1916. (Jarolimek 1977). Later in the 1930s, social studies were brought to Europe, particularly Great Britain, as a result of an unprecedented desire to alter the traditional curriculum to satisfy the needs of society. From 1950 to 1956, the topic extended to other African nations (Wang, Schwab, Fenn, & Chang, 2021). The newly independent African states had to reorganise their national policies in order to fulfil their obligations as independent members of the international community of nations (Wambugu, & Changeiywo, 2022). The growth of social studies in secondary schools in Nigeria gained speed with the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system, also known as the National Policy on Education, in 1977. This advancement was accelerated by two significant causes (Udo, & Udofia, 2022). The first was that the 1976 implementation of Universal Elementary Education (UPE) made social studies the only social science subject taught in primary schools. The second issue was the inclusion of social studies as a fundamental topic in junior high schools. This has increased students' and instructors' understanding of the significance of social studies, particularly as it relates to the implementation of the 6-3-3-4 system of education (Wang, Schwab, Fenn, & Chang, 2021).
The expository method of teaching has been the most common method used in schools, particularly ever since 1843, when western education was first introduced to Nigeria. Despite the efforts of the government to restructure the educational system in order to cultivate the practise of self-learning, the expository method of teaching remains the most common method. The learning process eventually incorporated a variety of other types of instructional modalities (Wambugu, & Changeiywo, 2022). For example, since 1960, curriculum planners have placed an emphasis on the inquiry approach, arguing that conducting investigations is the most promising method by which students will master inquiry skills and become literate in social studies. This emphasis on the inquiry approach dates back to the Common Core State Standards, which were adopted in 1998. (Schwab, 1963; Yager & Lutz, 1994). Even with that in mind, it is impossible to claim that schools have been successful in developing such talents in the students who attend them.
There have been quite a few studies done to investigate the causes of students' underachievement in Junior Secondary Social Studies (Onasanya, 1985; Ogbu, 1993; Iroegbu, 1998; Adegbite, 1999; Adepoju, 1999). The factor that has been found to be the most consistent across all of these studies is the ineffective teaching method utilised by Social Studies teachers. As a consequence of this, the majority of the tactics that are used in the traditional, expository manner of teaching are not able to cater to the specific requirements, preferences, and interests of the students. One of the reasons the researcher is interested in attempting various methods, such as the mastery learning technique, is because of this (Wambugu, & Changeiywo, 2022). If the goals of Social Studies education are to be achieved, then it is required to seek for an alternative teaching paradigm in the form of an enhanced and effective teaching approach that is focused on producing results. This is a requirement if the goals are to be achieved.
The purpose of the school subject known as Social Studies, which was introduced by the Federal Government with the intention of assisting students in acquiring the fundamental social knowledge, constructive attitudes, values, and social skills necessary to make the students into functional and responsible citizens who contribute to the society was to help students acquire these things (Wambugu, & Changeiywo, 2022). It imparts the information, skills, and disposition necessary for learners to comprehend both the physical and social environments in which they find themselves in order for them to act or behave as responsible citizens. It educates students to live in a society that is both global and culturally varied, as well as to keep up with the rapid change that occurs in a world that is both electronically and technologically evolving (Martorella, 1996). It combines the individual with the group as well as the group with the group. It is an investigation of the connection that exists between man and his natural surroundings, including how the environment has an impact on man and how man, in turn, has an impact on his natural surroundings.
Therefore, the practise of teaching social studies is something that requires participation from both the instructor and the student.
It is the responsibility of the educator to facilitate students' educational growth. Teaching social studies involves the transmission of the relevant body of knowledge, attitudes, manner, dispositions, skills, and values that enable the individual to survive in a growing and dynamic society. While learning involves a change in the learner's behaviour, teaching social studies involves the transmission of this information (Udo, & Udofia, 2022).
According to Adeyemi (2007), teaching social studies is defined as the process of facilitating student learning through a proper management by the teacher of the inter-relationships among the students' interest, the content for learning, and the methods and materials he or she intends to use in the teaching and learning of the content materials. In other words, teaching social studies is the process of making sure that students are able to learn the content they are being taught. It may entail providing someone with instruction on knowledge, abilities, and attitudes with the goal of the recipient being able to know the information, to do something, or to act in a specific way that is compatible with the instruction. We are aware that the individual to whom instruction is provided may be referred to as a trainee, learner, pupil, or student (Udo, & Udofia, 2022). The manner in which knowledge is conveyed from the instructor to the student is ultimately what will decide whether or not the individual in question is teaching. Mastery Learning is defined as an educational procedure that, according to Lynn, Douglas, and Gerald (2009), gives students many opportunities to demonstrate that they have mastered the material being taught to them. The beginning of the teaching is delivered at a rapid tempo in order to keep all students engaged. Additional training that is tailored to remedy the students' misconceptions is provided to the students who do not exhibit mastery of the material. The re-teaching process must to incorporate the use of approaches that are distinct from the ones that were initially employed (Udo, & Udofia, 2022). For instance, if the content was first delivered in the form of a lecture accompanied by visuals, the process of re-teaching it can include activities that require direct participation and cooperative learning techniques. These students eventually get the opportunity to demonstrate their level of expertise by taking another examination.
The instructor has to be an excellent communicator who thoroughly processes his material on the subject matter of social studies and presents it in a way that is both comprehensive and well-organized (Wang, Schwab, Fenn, & Chang, 2021). The establishment of a feedback system is necessary in order to permit the repair of flaws in instructional techniques, which, in turn, can lead to improvements in both the teaching of Social Studies and the learning of its content.
Summarily, to instruct for mastery the following guideline are to be followed:
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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